As lot of web designers and web developers do not know the webs best practices and due to shifting standards and browser problems are partially to blame for the not giving the correct use of technology in the web site’s.
Pragmatic web development:
Users often blame the sites and not the browsers for the site errors. They don’t care how sites are built if they work properly. The construction of the site must be solid and follow standards and conventions, verify execution, and openly indicate limitations. Read and understand your site problems and avoid placing blame on tools, the web medium or users. To produce a good website the following rules can be followed.
1. Browser best practices:
• Ignore the problem and assume everybody has the most common browser.
• Warn the user that the site requires a new browser, but leave it at that.
• Automatically detect and update pages to suit the browser and technology being used.
• Allow the user to self-profile and choose a version of the site that suits his/her browser or situation.
• Degrade seamlessly to user’s capabilities.
2. HTML best practices:
Write pages using standard HTML 4 or XHTML 1.0 or as much as the browser can support.
• Doctypes.
• The Doctypes switch.
• Move to XHTML
• Avoid HTML/XHTML for presentation
3. Miscellaneous HTML best practices:
• Even when writing traditional HTML, lean toward XHTML.
• Watch out for HTML space handling quirks.
• Avoid using for spacing.
• Comment and format for readability.
• Crunch for delivery.
• Specify character set usage explicitly and be cautious of character entities.
• Use meta tags liberally
• Use consistent naming conventions.
• Use HTML templates.
• Use the correct authoring tool for the job.
4. CSS best practices:
• Follow the CSS standards and validate rules.
• Test CSS rules very carefully.
• Consider HTML usage.
• Include CSS carefully.
• Address CSS browser issues.
5. Miscellaneous CSS best practices:
• Considering using relative measurements.
• Consider usage alternative style sheets.
• Provide printer style sheets.
• Match CSS selector cases.
• Use id and class rules properly.
• Comment, format, and organize CSS rules.
• Compress style sheets.
6. Web programming best practices:
Consider using both client-side and server –side technologies in a site, rather than just one or the other.
Server-side programming best practices:
• All forms of server-side programming share one common quality: control.
• Create a capacity plan when using server-side technologies.
• Carefully monitor responsiveness of server-side technologies.
• Use complied languages or sever-side performance.
• Pregenerate or at least cache server-scripted pages if possible.
• Try to separate HTML markup from script logic.
• Use a centralized directory for server-scripts, particularly cgl-bin programs.
• Avoid showing file extensions of server-side programs.
• Avoid complex URLs if possible.
• Avoid exposing back-end information in diagnosis and errors.
• Carefully check incoming data.
• Avoid running command line programs via a script.
JavaScript best practices:
1. Consider carefully how java script is included in pages.
2. Use linked scripts.
3. Focus on using common event handlers.
4. avoid event handlers if possible
5. Avoid the JavaScript: pseudo-URL.
6. Use HTML comments to hide JavaScript code in the
In we do follow best practices to give best to our client with seo friendly website.
Things To Avoid On Your Website
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